Energy-Flow Coaching™ Practitioner Training

Are you looking to have a greater impact in the world, and to make an even bigger difference to the lives of people you work with and those around you?

Maybe you are already a healthcare, fitness, or transformational professional and you would like to work with and facilitate a significant shift for those struggling with chronic fatigue and pain syndromes, anxiety, or depression. Or maybe you are just looking for something more profound, something that will give you a different perspective on yourself, health, wellbeing, and life.  

“You probably hear this all the time, but you have genuinely changed my life”

EFC Client, September 2021

What Can You Expect To Learn?

During the Energy-Flow Coach training you are going to be guided through a deeply personal journey. Whilst our end goal is for you to integrate the knowledge and understanding to successfully work with sufferers of chronic fatigue and pain conditions, anxiety and depression, this work is more than teaching you a series of tools and techniques that you can apply.

You will learn:


  • How trauma and stress ultimately present as physical and psychological health challenges and how to reverse those symptoms and conditions


  • A new empowered way to interpret and translate the messages that symptoms present, as well as the deeper patterns at play underneath symptom messages.


  • The principles and practices that facilitate a reconnection with the body helping to dissolve unprocessed stress and trauma.


  • Practically based knowledge to address all 5 pillars of health; emotion & mindset, sleep & recovery, nutrition, exercise & movement, social & environmental factors.


  • Therapeutic coaching skills for working with a broad range of clients


  • How to deepen your understanding of how mind, body, and consciousness combine to give rise to your experience of life. This means we will be discovering what influences and impacts our ability to self-heal and experience wellbeing and fulfillment. As you deepen your understanding of yourself and your own challenges, you will become more effective at helping others.


The EFC journey takes us from believing that life is happening to us, through seeing that we are life and life flows through us.

This transformational journey goes beyond the application of tools and techniques and delves into the nature of human experience and how to resolve suffering from the inside-out.

Course Details

The program is split into 2 stages.

Stage 1 covers all the principles and practices of EFC and teaches you how to apply the work in your own life.

This stage takes place over 3 months and comprises


  • live taught modules via Zoom


  • self-exploration exercises and activities to experiment with


  • access to our online portal comprising videos, audios, and a manual, and


  • additional one-to-one support where needed


At the end of stage 1 you will have a full understanding of the underpinning theory and applications of EFC.

Following successful completion of the Stage 1 Assessment you will be in a position to apply the principles and practices to your own life and in your work to a certain extent.

However, in order to become a fully certified Energy-Flow Coach you will need to complete stage 2 of the training.


Stage 2. Taking place over a, 18 month period, stage 2 teaches you how to effectively apply EFC in a therapeutic coaching setting. Building on what you learned in stage 1, the focus of stage 2 is the nuances of application in real world settings.

You will learn how to effectively work with:


  • chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and other symptoms and syndromes that are categorised as ‘medically unexplained’ or ‘invisible illnesses’


  • anxiety and panic symptoms and conditions


  • depression


  • brownout and burnout


  • transformational life coaching – individuals who are wishing to create lasting change, experience greater personal freedom and peace of mind


Taught modules and group supervision sessions are delivered via Zoom. One-to-one support coaching sessions are delivered via Skype or Zoom.

If you wish to become a certified Energy-Flow Coach and be included on our register of coaches, you will need to complete both stage 1 and stage 2.

Continued membership of the Register relies on compliance with the EFC Code of Conduct, undertaking supervision and Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

Click here to download the program syllabus

Who is this Training for?

If you are a healthcare professional, health coach, social worker, massage therapist, bodyworker, nutritionist, naturopath, counsellor, hypnotherapist, personal trainer, or life coach, the EFC practitioner program will not only add a new dimension to the way you work with clients, it will facilitate a personal transformation for you. The facilitator program is not exclusively open to therapists, coaches, healers and consultants, it is also open to those who want to experience better health, wellbeing, relationships and fulfillment in life.

EFC will take you on a profound healing journey, that will offer you new and exciting insights into the very nature of your experience and what gives rise to human suffering. You will be guided and supported on a journey that will give you a fresh perspective on the nature of illness and disease, who you really are, and how identity is constructed.

You will learn how to help clients move beyond the experience of debilitating symptoms, as well as facilitating their re-alignment with their ‘true self’, helping them to unleash latent potentials, creativity and peace of mind.

If you are new to Energy-Flow Coaching, you can read more here, or get a copy of the book, The Intelligent Body here.

“I had been following Kyle for some time looking for answers and any help related to my own healing journey. It was then that I decided to sign up and participate in the Energy-Flow Coaching practitioner course. It was great very informative and life changing to say the least. I still to this day live, breathe, and apply Kyle’s theories into my everyday life.”

Angela, Australia 

“I had been working with emotions and health since 1989 and I first encountered fellow psychologist Kyle Davies in 2006 through an emotions based therapy he had devised. In the years that followed we touched base many times and I was incessantly interested in his increasing understanding of the role of emotions in health. I described his work as ‘sheer genius’. In the wake of  publishing his book ‘The Intelligent Body’ – a bible of mind-body emotional health treatment – Kyle unveiled his new Energy Flow Coaching (EFC) practitioner training programme which I inquisitively attended. Firstly, I found the course a complete joy to embrace as Kyle has that innate ability to enthral his audience,  especially when he goes off script as gold dust emanates from his mouth. From learning more about myself; the nature of symptoms and disease; the deeper perspectives of life as well as the role of emotions in well being, this course has it all and more. I highly recommend this training; this teacher and this philosophy of health, whether it be for personal development or to assist others in a career setting. Someday we will all follow this roadmap to sublime health. “

Francis, N Ireland.

Dates, Times & Cost

Stage 1 runs from January 23rd – April 16th 2025 

Sessions are 60 minutes in duration on 12 consecutive Thursdays at 1:30am-12:30pm (UK time), from January 23rd – April 16th.

There will be opportunities for additional one-to-one sessions with Kyle during this period to help embed the learning if needed. All sessions will be recorded for participants so if you are unable to attend any sessions you will be able to go through the recorded session.

Following successful completion of Stage 1 of the program and the written assessment, you will be eligible to begin Stage 2.

Stage 2 will run May – October 2024. Full dates to be announced at a later stage.


Enrolment Now

If you are curious about how the program could benefit you and your practice and would like to discuss things further, please click on the button below and book a time to speak with Kyle.

If you have any other questions, please complete the form below.