
Kyle’s work quite simply transformed my life and I will be forever grateful for that.”


To watch an interview with Kyle talk through the fundamentals that make EFC so effective in supporting recovery from chronic fatigue and pain conditions,

click here.


We are currently witnessing a dramatic increase in the prevalence of mental health challenges, and chronic fatigue and pain conditions that conventional medicine is struggling to effectively address.

Drawing on the work of Drs Hans Selye, Steven Porges, Candace Pert, Gabor Mate, and other experts, Energy-Flow Coaching™ is a pioneering integrative mind-body-consciousness approach.

The foundation of our work is that when an individual has experienced trauma at any stage in life, or is subject to on-going invisible stress, a re-wiring of neural pathways takes place within the brain. This re-wiring leads to irregularities within the autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, and immune system, which in turn results in a debilitating array of complex physical and psychological symptoms.

The process of recovery involves reconnecting mind and body, uncovering the sources of unconscious stress, and activating the self-healing mechanisms of the body and brain.

By learning to cultivate the innate wellbeing and resilience of the body, it is possible to achieve a complete reversal of complex physical and psychological symptoms. The result is not only physical healing, but a new and deeper understanding of self and the world around you

How does energy-flow coaching™ work?

Many sufferers of chronic fatigue syndrome/ME, fibromyalgia, anxiety & panic disorder, depression, and other medically unexplained symptoms and syndromes have had the deeply frustrating experience of trying treatment after treatment only to experience little to no improvement in their symptoms.

Too often mind and body are seen as separate entities, and a focus is placed on treating symptoms without effectively addressing the underlying cause of those symptoms. Energy-Flow Coaching™ teaches sufferers to interpret symptoms through the new understanding that their health challenge is a direct communication from the deeper wisdom of their body. When clients start to understand how and why the body uses symptoms as a form of communication, they learn to respond to symptoms in a new way. This effectively switches off the amplified stress response and enables the body’s natural self-healing and self-correcting mechanism to engage and re-establish normal functioning within body and brain.

Energy-Flow Coaches work to uncover the deeper meaning of symptoms and provide guidance on how to respond effectively to their cause.  This promotes not only in the return to health and vital functioning but also in a deeper understanding of self and our relationship to the world around us.

What Does the Process Involve?

Who will benefit?

Whether you suffer from chronic fatigue or pain, anxiety, depression, or even autoimmune conditions, sessions will help you understand the nature of what you are experiencing and why. Crucially, we will teach you how to facilitate your innate self-healing capacities. When you begin to understand that chronic symptoms are a tap on the shoulder from your intelligent body, and that they are trying to get your attention, you can reconnect to the deeper wisdom of your body, and use that wisdom to heal.

With the development of understanding and awareness, the implementation of simple principles and the use of guided feeling exercises, sessions will guide you beyond symptoms and blockages.  With a focus on developing heightened awareness and expanded consciousness, sessions align body, mind, and spirit. When this occurs, you will experience a return to health and vitality, and a deeper understanding of self.

How do I know if it's is right for me?

If you suffer from chronic fatigue or pain, anxiety or depression and are sick and tired of having your life dominated and shackled by a health challenge, our work might be right for you.

You might have experienced symptoms for many years, or have recently been diagnosed, either way, Energy-Flow Coaching™ could benefit you enormously. You may tried other therapies or you may never have ventured beyond conventional medical healthcare; again, it won’t impact the potential benefit you could derive from Energy-Flow Coaching™.

If you are curious how Energy-Flow Coaching is different from other approaches, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), click here to read more

Next Steps

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If you feel our approach resonates with you, sign up for a FREE strategy session.

These sessions are completely free and last up to an hour. During the session we will look at where you are now and how to elevate your experience and optimise your wellbeing. This will include talking about your situation, symptoms, goals and expectations and then we will get some clarity on the best strategy to take you forward.

You don’t need to do anything to prepare for this call, but you will get a great deal out of it, I can promise you that.